What to Expect

Meeting Times


Sunday mornings, 10:30 AM EST




We believe that worship in church is a rehearsal for worship in heaven! It is a personal experience at our gatherings as some are open and expressive - raising hands during prayer, clapping to the music, and proclaiming Amen or Hallalujiah to the Lord on High!

If we can get excited about a sports game or concert, we can get excited about praising God! Our music is a mixture of traditional and contemporary praise songs. Although we are an expressive church, please know we keep it biblical by doing things “decently and in order,” (I Cor. 14:40).




Dress comfortably and modestly. Our church family usually dress casually, and our pastor wears jeans on most occasions! Traditional church-appropriate attire is also worn by some members of our congregation.




We will ask you to fill out a connection card just to keep a record of your visit, get in touch with you for prayer requests if desired, and to allow our pastor to send a personal greeting to you and your family.




Our music is a mixture of traditional and contemporary songs, but we focus on the message of the music. Styles may vary, but we do not compromise on the biblical message. We believe you will enjoy our engaging music as it prepares us with open hearts for the Word of God!




We currently have a nursery (0-3 years) and Children’s Church open during our Sunday services.




I Corinthians 16:2 says, “On the first day of each week, let each of you set aside an offering, in keeping with your income.” The work of our local church is supported by the love and generous giving of our church family.